My Moonshots

My moonshots are all the different projects and passions in my life that either give me meaning or that push me.


Thought Leadership

Over the past few years I was fortunate to be invited to speak at different events, ranging from student-organized conferences to a TEDx event in Iran. I enjoy stage performances as they give me an opportunity to share my perspectives with larger audiences. I have previously talked about personal development, innovation, and leadership. Below a selection of some of my speeches.

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Giving Back

I would not be where I am today, if it wasn't for the incredible people who have helped me along my journey. It is therefore very important to me to give back whenever and however possible – be it with my money, my time, or my knowledge. 


Visual Storytelling

I have always had a thing for content creation. As a teen, I produced 100+ (short) movies and documentaries. But my passion for photography really started with the advent of phone cameras. Since the iPhone5c, all my pictures have been taken on iPhones. 



I love the arts. I love observing them, discussing them, and creating them. From museums to exhibitions.  From dinner table conversations to philosophizing. 


Cultural Fluency

Well, guess I'm not the only one who likes to travel (surprise, surprise). Yet for me, traveling is just a mean to the goal of building cultural fluency – the ability to quickly and deeply empathize with people of other cultures. From learning languages to immersing in far flung places like North Korea. Living an international life is a big part of what makes me, me. 

  • Have organized group travels to Colombia (260 pax), Italy (30 pax) and Iran (10 pax & 3pax)

  • Currently learning Mandarin, the 6th language I hope to speak fluently one day.



Growth – personally and professionally – is always on top of mind. From learning new skills to doing things that make me uncomfortable. I prefer to say Yes over No and one of my life's measures of how fully I live is expressed in how often I do something new for the first time. 

  • Pursuing my MBA

  • Took a 3-month course in UX/UI Design at the General Assembly

  • Got a certification in "Professional Storytelling"